elaundry advice Love Your Laundry Long TimeSee the elaundry Blog for helpful tips and the latest laundry news.Laundry Tips from Laundry’s First Lady Confused about stains, washing and machines? Read our guide for safe and effective stain removal and laundry techniques. Debunking Care Labels: What Do They Mean?Homemade Stain Cleaning Solutions Your one-stop how-to in making your own cleaning solutions at home. Allergies, Handy hints to bid those sniffles and itchy eyes Goodbye. Make Your Clothes Last Learn the top tips from industry professionals for prolonging the life of your garments. Know Your Fabrics, How to clean, dry and iron different fabrications from cotton to man-made and everything in between. Treating Spot Stains Here’s an easy guide to removing spot stains with a run down of which treatment to use for which stain. Tackling Tax Time with elaundry Here’s an easy guide to removing spot stains with a run down of which treatment to use for which stain.